1 review liked by blueromantics

I thought I'd give this a go since it's being delisted. I booted up the game, and was instantly met with a cinematic that looks like it summarizes the whole campaign's story, the whole reason I wanted to try playing. That was annoying, but I'll still give it a try. I'm then gathered around the mission selection table and suddenly they start talking about events that I haven't experienced, potentially spoiling the campaign again. Then, I am told to walk across the game's hub, and do some combat training. I do the training, the combat is... Fine.

After that, a tutorial cinematic plays telling me how to kit out my character. Sure, okay, whatever. It ends with "Fury out." THEN TWO MORE TUTORIALS PLAY RIGHT AFTER. Then, it spits me back into the hub area.
Cool, finally, I can start the campaign. But then it makes me go back to the mission selection table and finally choose a mission. And despite there being a tutorial for how to hop into missions, I still can't figure out how to start with the first mission. Sure, I could look it up. But it's a lot funnier to just refund the game. So I'm gonna get my $4 back. Don't buy this game.