while i've seen some critiques that this one doesn't really have a main plot, this is still the best of the trilogy for me.

the cast of characters just can't be matched and i loved the aspect of recruiting all of them and eventually gaining their loyalty and i liked being rewarded for getting to know them.

i started my journey with this series because of my love of KOTOR and man does this start have so many shades of the first KOTOR.

as a start to a trilogy this does it's job, there is a good sense that this is the beginning of something greater just from the first moment. there's things i didn't like but once the games on you get use to it and they become fun!

i think what hooked me was the characters and wanting to see where their arcs ended up, including shepard!

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your first campaign is really fun! and then you go to do the rest and you're wondering why the hell you're still playing it.

i will say this game is no where near as bad as people make it out to be it just it's just such a far cry from what resident evil was that it's no wonder people don't like it.

let me rank the campaigns with mini reviews:
1. sherry/jake: probably my favorite campaign, i love being an adult sherry birkin kicking ass and i liked her relationship with jake! my biggest critique is that this should be sherry's campaign not jake's but they're good co-protagonists for the most part.

2. leon/helena: this is probably the most classic RE as this game gets which isn't saying much because it's still just as bombastic as the rest of the game. i played as helena which (if there's a female option i'm choosing lol)...if you do just know you will just not be apart of the like biggest moments LOL. she sits out the entire last boss. it's kind of ironic that she is REALLY player 2 when the plot of this campaign hinges on her more than leon. leon is just along for the ride.

3. chris/piers: this is the one campaign i'm like why the hell is this here which is saying a lot because ada's campaign exists. they're chasing after carla who they think is ada for some reason i can't remember? piers helps chris get out of a depression which like, cool, but i can't help but feel like piers should be literally anyone else. barry, claire, rebecca, sheva, FREAKING JILL! piers is ok but the emotional weight is just not there for me.

4. ada: this campaign is such an afterthought which i guess is the point as this use to not be unlockable until all the other campaigns were complete. i hate to say this is so boring but it IS which an ada campaign should not be. ESPECIALLY WHEN ADA SHOULD BE SUCH A BIGGER PART OF THE GAME WHERE HER CLONE IS RUNNING AROUND!! ada really should've just been leon's partner seeing as she already takes helena's spot in so many parts of that campaign.

it's the greatest remake of all time for a reason, i now know that.

while i really liked 0, this is on an insane level that 0 could never even touch. for a game from 2002, i was scared pretty much every time i played which is saying something because after a little while i wasn't really scared in the re2 remake.

i would say the only real negatives for it was the voice acting (wasn't that bad but could be better lol) and the part where jill was supposed to get that guy a serum and i had zero clue there was a time limit LOL

anyways there's not much left to say that hasn't already been better said by others. i know some are weary of older games but this is worth a play.

This game could've lasted way longer if it focused on continuing it's story rather than stupid ass multiplayer shit. I really enjoyed the main story and was invested to see where they would go with the rest of it.

Didn't play the other dlc missions other than Kate's because GOD IT'S SO REPETITIVE. Like the the gameplay was already repetitive and then they put the nail in the coffin for me when literally every Kate mission was basically the same.

I wish this game would've sold enough for a sequel. I enjoyed it and it would be a full 4 stars if I could've romanced them.

It's an alright sequel to the original Oxenfree. The original makes me CRY at certain things and this game just didn't have to emotional weight for me nor did it have as interesting of a supporting cast. I like they wrapped up the original but this is an ok game.

Worth playing on a sale or for free on mobile if you have a Netflix account.

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Perfect? No, but somewhat charming yes. This being my first early RE game it is already going to have a special place in my heart. The environments are so pretty (especially the train and training facility.) There isn't a whole lot of meat to this story other than fleshing out the beginnings of the viruses and what happened to Rebecca's team. Rebecca and Billy's relationship is one that I'd love to see return in a future title. (revelations 3?? pls) They had great chemistry that I don't think the story took nearly enough advantage of. The ending scene was so cute, the salute followed by the signature Rebecca Chambers thumbs up from Billy, I mean come on. How could not want to see those two get to know each other more!

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If R3make made me interested this made me a full on fan. So scary in some places and it was sooooo tense anytime Mr. X would show up. The looping level design had me feeling so smart everytime I would unlock something or find a different way to an area, it's so genius. Leon and Claire are great leads and are so well acted. They have great chemistry with their supporting characters and I was excited for their playable sections. My one complaint is that other than their individual segments the two campaigns aren't that different I.E doing a lot of the same puzzles which I hear isn't the case in the original.

A good first dip into the RE franchise. I've never played the original and I'm sure it's better in a lot of places but I feel like fans dismiss the game too much. Would love to see them expand upon the game adding more of the original game back in!

definitely not as interesting as KOTOR 2 to me but i enjoyed the twist and it was pretty fun!

as a casual star wars fan i wasn't really expecting to like this when i received it for christmas but man did i love this.

possibly the best piece of star wars media i've ever cosumed.

100% the best of the dark pictures i don't care.

genuinely was scared at a lot of moments, an effectively creepy and unnerving atmosphere that had me worried what was around the corner.

the mic scene with erin is one of the most well done scenes of horror the anthology has done.

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until dawn is still a cut above but this game gets so close! if it'd had given some characters more to do in the final acts and given a proper conclusion then maybe i'd have it above until dawn.

it's still better than any of the dark pictures (house of ashes is the only one of those that comes close so far.)


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definitely not as strong as the first game in terms of story. i did still enjoy the gameplay, as i always do with the tomb raider games.

it was lacking any sort of emotional weight. jonah is an alright character but lara's emotional anchor he is not. i think shadow did a better job at including him but in this game he is gone for a majority and then randomly shows up in the village before he's stupidly captured. konstantin and ana were kind of irrelevant, i wish they would've built ana up more and just gotten rid konstantin all together. ana's betrayal didn't really mean anything because we don't know ana. if we spent more time with ana it probably would've been more tragic for lara.