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0h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 28, 2020

Platforms Played


Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. Fun little game where you complete each level by simply killing all the enemies in the level. You have the opportunity to earn 3 stars per level earned each by killing all the enemies, collecting all the coins and finishing the level without being hit once. As you earn stars you can unlock new characters and the coins are used for purchasing new weapons.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time: 30 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Not needed
Trophy List Score: 6/10

Just attempt to earn the three stars per level so you can unlock all the characters and buy the following weapons:
– Magnum
– TwinShot Gun
– Shotgun
– SMG Gun
– Plasma Pistol

By the time you get to the third boss and beat him you should have the Platinum.

Happy Trophy Hunting!