oh god this game......its so hard to talk about games that you were obsessed with. this game literally took a hold of my life when i was playing it, couldnt do anything else until i finished it. i love persona games so much, i managed to only watch playthroughs of 1,2,3 as i dont have a console and i hope to play 5 one day. it has its problems of course, like the homophobic and transphobic remarks that are stated repeatedly throughout the game. the romance route between yosuke and ryuu being deleted, kanji's "gayness" just being explained as his "feminine traits" being understood as something else, naoto's "trans look" being written off as just her wanting to blend in with other male cops...these were truly disgusting aspects of the game. idk if they can be overlooked but if you somehow manage to ignore these parts the game play and the story, i really really enjoyed. still listening to its soundtracks.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

i know this is an endless argument but please will somebody just take into consideration that this is a game created in the literal opposite side of the world and that it's fairly progressive for 2008, there's plenty of misogyny going on in japan's workplaces that makes naoto's arc completely justified, only slightly dated thing is the portrayal of kanji's weaker side by a walking himbo? but shadows in this game are how a person thinks of themselves, nobody was going out of their way to ridicule flamboyancy
i care too much for this stupid shit