4 reviews liked by bugz

I swear officer, I have no idea how all those LSD pills I left on the floor got into those interns.

I might never have played a game with more available mechanics. Each game truly feels unique, as does each role and each space station. Unfortunately, the learning curve is a cliff and there are no good & in-depth resources available online to learn how to play all the roles. You really need to have a friend that already knows how to play if you want to properly enjoy Space Station 13.

What would have been easily my Game of The year is marred by a plethora of issues that happened to me in the last third of the game. Framerate tanking, graphical glitches, crashes, weird quest progression etc etc. As impressive as the game is (and it is quite impressive!) Act 3 definitely feels like it's held together by duct tape and paperclips and you can feel the game start to crumble a bit beneath the weight of everything it's trying to do. That said, outside of those flaws, this game goes crazy. The amount of interesting, unique and fun content in this game is absurd.



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Maybe the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a game. I’ve been following the Dev since they released Furi, which I loved, but outside of the art style this is a step backwards in every sense.

The gameplay is pretty shallow but by no means the deal breaker.

The story, specifically the two main characters, is wretched. They’re meant to be a cute couple in love but they’re toxic to each other. The relationship between them is so bad that I assumed the ending would involve them realizing that but no the ending is that everything they did was right and they’re perfect for each other. They don’t listen to each others needs, they hide their feelings and lie to each other, they push each other on aspects that they know will annoy the other and after they argue they just have sex and everything is fixed, nothing is learned and no growth as a couple. Yet, in the end that’s all fine and they’re happily ever after.

Aside from the over arching shittiness of the message of the story, the two of them are just unbearable to listen to on a moment to moment basis. I gave up around 4 hours and watched the ending on YouTube.