14 Reviews liked by bunearie

Do NOT let my autistic ass play these games, I WILL spend two straight hours in the alchemy menu crafting a weapon that will give Ryza the strength to send entire civilizations flying like puny little golf balls with a single whack

Great game marred by an underwhelming ending. It's not Backbone levels of bad where it'll make you hate every minute you spent playing it, but it's nowhere near the same level of quality as the rest of the game is. Fun narrative game. Could've been among the best, but falls short of meeting expectations.

The game also fails to use non-linear narrative to its fullest. You're actually railroaded into certain events and it's not like 999 where the true ending is locked behind seeing another bad ending. There's only 1 time throughout the entire game where you actually get to choose between branching path A or B. Most of the times, you only got 1 choice.




now cracks a noble heart. good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ♥

the bad reviews on this game are SO UNFAIR!!! she's SUPPOSED to be insufferable!!!!!!

my serotonin levels were through the roof

This game gave me major A Short Hike vibes, but this time I'm a fungi with a eensy-weensy strawberry hat - what more could you ask for? 🍄🍓

I vibe with them cunty ass horses idk man