31 reviews liked by bustercorpzo

Feels like I'm in the minority of people who prefer the original release. Regardless of that though I can't deny they did a fantastic job remaking one of my favorite games of all time. All of the new mechanics feel amazing to use, theres a lot more to do than in the original. And manages to update the game to feel more in line with the later entries. An excellent remake all around and a must play for anyone who loves the original game.

For all the discourse surrounding this game you would expect it to be sorta gross and offensive but not really? I think the game starts out strong but kinda loses any interesting setups it has after the first hour. The main 2 are decently entertaining but not really that compelling. Feels like these 2 would make for excellent side characters in a story with a different focus. Overall not a bad game but just super messy. Couldn't really recommend it

A really neat and creative JRPG, something that I can really only see coming during Square's golden era.
The gameplay is pretty fun and it has a great score, plot was very much over the top, but it was a fun ride all around

One of the worst Beat-em-Ups I've ever played, I love it

Why would you market your game as the return of Maya Fey when shes in it for 20 minutes

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-it Ralph 2 (2018)

I love Tekken but have never really stuck with it. Idk what it, but this game just did it all for me. Cool new characters, the story mode fucks, even crazier stages, it's all there. This game is the total package and I've taken to actually learning Tekken for the first time because of it.

Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8
Fighting game bros we are so back

Absolutely adored this, from beginning to end this was an addictively fantastic experience.
Stuff in the original like the anime cutscenes are better, but otherwise this is easily my favorite version of the game, which I now like more then ever.