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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 20, 2024

Platforms Played


really addicting gameplay and super fun soundtrack but some parts are not very clear (like how do i remove the doors after i place them? i couldn't figure it out so i have like 3 doors to a single toilet) right now i have other responsibilities to get to but i just can't stop playing this. the upgrades feel really rewarding and it's exciting to see how much you will earn after you hire a new DJ etc. thing is, i played only 2 hours so far and i almost did every upgrade (i mean i will probably do them by hour 3) - and yes there are more discos to unlock and play in but if it's going to be the same upgrades, same gameplay loop i don't really see myself going back to it, so that's something to consider. i think even if you do play the other discos, you would get maximum 10hours till you're really bored. also i wish there was an option to expand / add more space to the discos