I was actually really looking forward to this, but got more disappointed the further I played.
The main gameplay mechanic is quite a cool idea, but in practice, it's more tedious than anything else. Walking for at least a minute to test out a possible solution for a puzzle, because leaving the Maquette takes forever and if you combine that with the fact that you can't sprint, you will quickly get annoyed by the amount of running around you'll have to do.
Some of the puzzles were too abstract for my personal liking and I had to look them up online.

Also, I didn't like the story as much as I wanted to. It all boils down to a certain story-telling decision I personally don't like which, if removed, would elevate the game a bit for me personally.
I also ran into quite some technical issues on my PC, including a bad performance on a PC that should easily be able to handle this game.

It had some nice moments and a clever puzzle or two, but overall I can't say I particularly enjoyed it. I mostly kept playing because I knew it wasn't that long and just wanted to see where the devs take the experience.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2021
