1 review liked by carnictis

As someone who considers Monster Hunter World: Iceborne to be among their favourite games of all time, I kinda regret that I never reviewed the base game and its expansion separately. That's because Iceborne was already out by the time I started this Backloggd account, and I didn't think I'd really be able to remember my thoughts on World separately from Iceborne enough to make a full-fledged review. Now THE TURNS HAVE TABLED however, as Sunbreak did release after the creation of this Backloggd account and - if you can believe it after I have reviewed base Monster Hunter Rise. I don't know why I didn't write a review at the time of finishing, maybe because I knew there was post-launch content to come? Maybe because I was feeling lazy or depressed or dealing with another case of old-man-back which made me wanna avoid sitting at my desk or hunching over my laptop and typing. (Realistically, it is the latter.)

Now that the dust has settled and my chiropractor has snapped me like a wishbone, I can confidently say that Monster Hunter Rise's expansion, Sunbreak is - good! Like Monster Hunter Rise itself, it's just kinda good! I like it! But it's not a patch on the combo that is World and Iceborne imo. It does all the stuff that's worth getting excited about for a Monster Hunter game's expansion. It adds a bunch of dope ass monsters, a new hub, some super tough endgame fights and a couple other little niceties here and there. That stuff alone is enough to make an expansion worth it, but it does feel like a noticeable step down from the way Iceborne transformed World. Iceborne's new hub was a significant improvement over the base game's, it added the Raider Ride to make traversal much easier, as well as the Guiding Lands and the Clutch Claw (the latter of which, don't get me wrong did not work out as intended and hugely fucked with the game's balance, but it was something significant.)

Maybe you could argue Sunbreak didn't need to bring such big changes because the Palamute which Rise introduced is already basically the Raider Ride and no one really had any problem with the hub world (except me, I do not like Kamura Village, lmao.) But what we get in these things' stead just feel super inconsequential. NPC followers? A bunch of drab, unlikable characters who talk too much to come along with you and trivialise fights even more? Sunbreak desperately needed to make Rise harder imo, not even easier. The new hub, Elgado is like...Nice, I guess? I prefer it over Kamura at least, I find its music less annoying and think it's more aesthetically pleasing, but as far as layout is concerned it's super uninspired. There's really not much to see here. When you see how little Sunbreak actually does to change or iterate on Rise fundamentally, I think you realise how much the Switch's hardware truly hampered them. Yes, the game eventually got ported to PC, Xbox & Playstation, but it started out as a Switch exclusive and what I would've liked to see from an expansion like Sunbreak is some of the nifty little details World has that Rise is missing. Seeing monsters you've captured in pens back at the hub, seeing the environment of the maps change when an Elder Dragon is present. None of that came, and I think it's clear to me that it's because the Switch just couldn't handle it. What we're left with is some pretty limp stuff like...New Silkbind moves, which I just don't think is something we really needed. Rise already gives you enough options as is, gameplay was never the problem.

I like Sunbreak, but it's not an evolution of Rise the way Iceborne is for World. It doesn't really bring anything new to the table, it's just more Rise. Which is fine! Rise is fun! And getting to play a version of Rise where I can fight Astalos and Seregios and fuckiiin' Espinas is fine by me. Including a Monster Hunter Frontier-exclusive monster like Espinas in a main series game for the first time might be the coolest thing Sunbreak does. The monster himself might be pretty whatever but it sets such an exciting precedent, I really hope we can expect some of the cooler Fronter-exclusive monsters like Lightenna and Akira Vashimu/Jebia down the line in main series games. That'd get me pogging in my fuckin pants

Anyway, it's more Rise! If you like Rise, good! If you were hoping for its difficulty to be ramped up at all, gotta wait for those Risen Elder Dragon fights! Which are good, don't get me wrong (Risen Shagaru Magala actually gave me like 6 heart attacks) - but you gotta wade through a lot of the same old boring characters and iffy presentation to get there. Thankfully, as was always the case, the gameplay might just make it worth it!