6 Reviews liked by cata_persona

I nutted when Gustavo said I’m Glen Quagmir

This game is great. One of my first games i've ever played and its great. Although Wario says some racist things at times in the story, I still come to appreciate every other part of the story itself.

[Intro: Chop Chop Master Onion]
Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind
If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find
The things I'll teach ya is sure to beat ya
Nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now

[LESSON 1: Chop Chop Master Onion/Parappa the Rapper]
Kick (Kick)
Punch (Punch)
Chop (Chop)
Block (Block)
Once more now Kick (Kick)
Punch (Punch)
Chop (Chop)
And block (Block)
[Interlude: Chop Chop Master Onion]
Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky
We gonna move down to the next ya jockey now

[LESSON 2: Chop Chop Master Onion/Parappa the Rapper]
Duck (Duck)
Jump (Jump)
Turn (Turn)
Pose (Pose)
Listen carefully jump (Jump)
Pose (Pose)
Duck (Duck)
And Turn (Turn)

[Interlude: Chop Chop Master Onion]
Hm, yeah, I see you're getting better
Kick to the limit in order to get her now

[LESSON 3: Chop Chop Master Onion/Parappa the Rapper]
Kick, punch (Kick punch)
Chop, block (Chop block)
Chop, kick (Chop kick)
Punch, block (Punch block)
It's gonna get harder now
Duck and jump (Duck jump)
Turn and pose (Turn pose)
Duck and turn (Duck turn)
Jump and pose (Jump pose)

[Interlude: Chop Chop Master Onion]
Come on now, why don't you follow my words
Because we're almost done, I'll make it easy at first
I wanna see if you wanna see what it means
To be the man with the master plan
Are you the man now?

[LESSON 4: Chop Chop Master Onion/Parappa the Rapper]
Here we go! now
Kick Punch Block (Kick Punch Block)
Chop Kick Block (Chop Kick Block)
Block Turn and Kick it (Block Turn Kick)
Block Duck Punch (Block Duck Punch)
Duck Duck Turn (Duck Duck Turn)
Jump Kick Chop (Jump Kick Chop)
And Punch Punch Punch (Punch Punch Punch)

[Outro: Chop Chop Master Onion/Parappa the Rapper]
That's it for today
Good job, Parappa! You can move on to the next stage now!
(Ya hoo! Alright!)



there's actually less sex in this than you might think, some of it is just footage of a guy sorting video tapes

there is sex, but i suppose they had to cut the sex with something, because they didn't have enough sex available to make Sex

😔 I'm a huge fan of the original game, even though many people call it childish nonsense. And, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen, the game is an ordinary "Dead by Daylight" clone, only instead of hacking generators -we stretch out arms and press certain buttons on the toys, memorizing the sequence.. well, with the only difference - that when one of the players dies, he gets into a funny mini-game from episode 2, where you have to plug the monsters climbing out of the pipes, this is the cool - yes, the use of grabpacks in itself is also - cool, I agree, playing for Haggy Waggy or for the new "Box" monster is funny, again, the animations are still cool, although they lack a few frames, cool skins in the stor .. but this btw cannot be considered a plus, since the donat is quite expensive, 1 hat for 300r, but, in fact, for what?
🖍 The factory was looks a little better, you can find interesting little things in it, but in general, the overall design of the locations is empty and weak, as it was in the original episodes, and I scolded them for it too.. but, in multiplayer it`s even more important , since it should be interesting and atmospheric to player to wander around the factory, the single-player campaign pleases you with fear and screamers, but everyone knows that making an online game scary is almost impossible. Both the current locations "Toy Factory" and "Theater" are incredibly boring, and the toy hacking gameplay is terribly repetitive, there are only 3 types of puzzles.
🚧 "The last nail in the coffin" - is the terrible freezes even at low settings and connection problems, yes, I understand that this is early access, but I don’t see the future of the game, the unique gameplay that the original provided - no, and will not be, there will be no design and lore of the factory, they will just add skins of monsters from new episodes to loot your money, alas, but this, most likely, will be the whole point of the existence of this project. But still, this is not the worst online game, you personally might like it.

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😔 Я являюсь ярым фанатом оригинальной игры, несмотря на то, что многие называют это детской ерундой. И, к сожалению, чуда не случилось, игра является обычном клоном дбд, только для взлома генератора используются вытягивающиеся руки и запоминание последовательностей.. ну, с единственным отличием, что когда один из игроков умирает, он попадает в забавную мини-игру из 2 эпизода, где надо затыкать монстров, лезущих из труб, это норм - да, само по себе использование гребпаков - норм, согласен, играть за Хаги Ваги или за нового "коробочного" монстра - забавно, опять же, анимации ещё крутые, хоть им и не хватает кадров, крутые скины в магазинчике.. но это кст нельзя считать плюсом, так как донат достаточно дорогой, 1 шапка за 300р, а, собственно, за что?
🖍 Фабрику чуть-чуть получше проработали, в ней можно найти интересные мелочи, но в целом, общий дизайн локаций - пустоватый и слабый, как было и в оригинальных эпизодах, и я их тоже за это ругал.. просто, в мультиплеере это ещё важнее, так как тебе должно быть интересно и атмосферно бродить по фабрике, сингловая кампания берёт страхом и скримаками, но всем известно, что сделать онлайн-игру страшной практически невозможно. Обе текущие локации: "Фабрика игрушек" и "Театр" - невероятно скучны, а геймплей с взламыванием игрушек - ужасно репетативен, тут всего 3 вида головоломок.
🚧 Последний гвоздь в крышку гроба добивают ужасные фризы даже при низких настройках и проблемы с соединением, да, я понимаю, что это ранний доступ, но я не вижу перспективы у игры, уникального геймплея, который предоставлял оригинал - нет, и не будет, хорошего дизайна и лора фабрики - не будет, просто будут добавлять скины монстров из новых эпизодов, чтобы доить бабло, увы, но в этом, скорее всего, и будет весь смысл существования данного проекта. Но всё же это не самая плохая онлайн игра, может лично вам зайдёт.

Super mario odyssey is the perfect mario game, everything any mario fan loves is here, the worlds are awesome with rare exceptions and even when they aren't awesome they are at least good, nothing here is bad. Honestly the only bad thing I can think of about this game are some moons that are just thrown around the map, but otherwise the game is simply a masterpiece in every way: Excellent music; Incredible worlds; Perfect gameplay; Addictive 5/5