Log Status







Time Played

7h 18m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

January 24, 2024

First played

January 20, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I've never finished a classic Zelda game, but this game has a cute lil crow with a sward, so I'm preeety sure this is the better game.

I jest, but this really is a delightful little experience. It's smooth, it's pretty, it's well paced. It doesn't really take any risks as far as the game design is concerned—I can't think of anything particularly unique, in fact. But it chooses a good blend of concepts from its predecessors and executes on them with polish.

The main draw, in my eyes, is the world and aesthetic. I just love being a little salaryman crow who's job is to reap souls for a dilapidated bureau. Your little bird walk is adorable, the sward is delectably bright against the washed out world, the characters you meet are quirky and fun, and the eulogies given for every boss are actually quite touching.

Death's Door manages a surprisingly good balance of lighthearted and somber elements and that will probably be what keeps it in my mind as a warm memory for a good time to come.