oh my god 😔 it was so bad but hampter

mindless hack and slash, i think you could go through this game pretty fast

I think this game has some growing to do. The customization is great but in terms of gameplay you have to be aware of which npcs you talk to, since certain interactions can force you to go straight to the ending instead. I would probably get this on sale since its way too short to be 20 dollars. Overall it was pretty nice to play this game as it was relaxing, but it would be better with an update..

Pretty average for a gacha game, the lack of an auto function might be irritating to some since you have to farm for saint quartz. I was already a fan of the fate series so I did enjoy the story mode but there's barely ever any new banners. It's ok tho I can farm for my favorite characters I guess. Personally if it did have an auto function I wouldn't have played it at all because I get lazy if there is a function like that in a game, and then I just abandon it all together. I like to work towards something but the grinding can be mudane. Take a shot at this one if you're already a fan but I think I'll be playing this on and off for the long term.

Because im too addicted to the base game. Dont look at me like that

nice game but it made me realize id be a horrible boyfriend lmao

I guess this was an ok gacha rendition of an atelier game but I dont see myself playing this for long term. The battles can be so grindy that it puts me to sleep

Don't come into this game expecting it to be short, since this is like animal crossing but disney. I heard the second rendition of this game is longer....looking forward to playing that too. It took me quite a while to reach level 60/60 stickers but there is still a lot to do. You can farm, craft items like food and clothing, and go on dungeon quests. Id say for a game like magicians quest and animal crossing its ok but its just very long. There's a point in playing a game for so long where a person can start to feel burnt out especially if they are no longer interested. Its ok to stop this game entirely, and you wont miss anything even though its synced to irl time.

im kind of a hater of the gameplay but the art is pretty cool

Better than the last installment and good qol features, I'm pretty impressed with the improvements since Disgaea 6. I wouldn't pay for the dlc unless you want previous characters/extra story, since the entire pack costs more than the game itself.

forte is my sweetheart, my everything <3