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clydon65 finished Escape First Alchemist
A charming little escape room that didn't really require too much brain power. Ended up getting through it in ~ 2 hours without any assistance. The visuals were nice and the alchemy component was a neat twist on the genre. I don't feel like I had too many points where I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing and most of the time to move past that I just needed to look around a little more. Everything felt really intuitive which cant be said for many escape rooms. Only downside was the ending felt weird but other than that a fun quick game.

3 days ago

clydon65 finished A Plague Tale: Innocence
I thought the story of this game was intriguing and almost comforting in a way despite it being about rats and death, but it lacked depth and complexity. Definitely falls in the bucket of "game you complete in a weekend and never really think much about again". You're really forced to stealth around for much of this game, but it never feels too difficult and there are plenty of tools at your disposal but its almost like you never really engage with half of them. Some of the characters are cute and charming, like the main relationship between the MC and Hugo. I hope the sequel builds upon some of the interesting mechanics debuted here.

3 days ago

5 days ago

clydon65 finished The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition

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I remember playing this game around its release and having been very new to the RPG genre at that point as well as very young, much of the nuances went over my head. This playthrough felt vibrant in its world, it felt like all my choices had consequences no matter how small, and at times felt like a genuine challenge. Also having been more familiarized with the world of the Witcher, I do feel like I understood much much more of what was going on politically, who all the players were, and where we were. I ultimately let my heart guide me with many of the choices I made, I went with Iorveth and sympathized with Saskia's cause and ideals, felt betrayed by the sorceresses (Sile + Philipa) and ultimately spared Letho at the end. Knowing this game's successor and predecessor well, this game felt more involved with worldbuilding and story than the gameplay itself, though there are places to explore and things to do - it is still very linear and ultimately limited in its scope. It almost keeps the story on track that way which I appreciate.

5 days ago

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