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I fucking hate this game so much, this reboot kills the beloved character so much by having some random girl who is named Lara but she does not act like Lara in slightest.

This reboot explores how Lara becomes the Tomb Raider, and uses another dead parent for motivation as to why to do what she does. The story then introduces a bunch of whatever characters that end up dying anyway, those who don't end up fucking off with one of them namely Fat Vaas since i can't remember his name, becomes a reoccurring character in the later reboot games.

In a game called TOMB RAIDER you hardly raid tombs, in fact this girl called Lara says she hates tombs after seeing a skeleton in a sarcophagus. Instead the tombs that aren't raided in the main story are SIDE CONTENT and story makes sure you don't get "bored" from those boring tombs by having shitty uncharted set pieces.

The gameplay is just a boring third person shooter with, skill points and skills. The enemies are just terrible since Lara runs around circles these guys and god forbid you get lost in the atmosphere or the environment exploring you get another boring ass firefight with enemies who can't keep up with Lara's agility.

Overall this reboot game honestly pisses me off a lot. It even has tacked on multiplayer so it really was a product of its time and it really shows. If i could rate it lower i would.