Had it for PS2 in the anthology, one of the best games I’ve played

Some of my fondest PS2 memories are with this game

Very underrated game, amazing as well

Really, I know what everyone says. Bad narrative, throw away characters, tedious and repetitive gameplay. But to me, as someone who didn’t really have too big of an attachment to the Last of Us 1, I found this game to be absolutely incredible. Very rarely have I been so invested and enthralled with a games story and world as I was with The Last of Us 2. Death Stranding is the only game I put on the same tier as emotionally attached. I seem to be the guy that loves games that everyone hates, but I get that a lot. This game has never been boring for me, except in the few flashbacks where I actually just didn’t enjoy them at all. Now the narrative; I understand people do not like Abby, but to me, it was a refresher. To be able to flesh out a “villain” so much in a game and make me feel sympathetic for someone who killed one of gamings most beloved characters, I commend Naughty Dog. Abby was great to me, honestly one of my favorite characters I’ve played as in a LONG time. The soundtrack for this game is nothing short of perfect, and the atmosphere is god damn incredible. This game gets so much hate, which I can understand. It’s a heavy departure from the first game, and really feels like a set back story wise, but I think it really revs up after THE moment early on. I love this game with all my heart I truly do, and I feel like the hate towards this game is a little much, especially seeing how many people have not yet played the game but do not like it already. For a guy like me who just enjoys things for what they are and is very easygoing and doesn’t care, I love this game. I think it’s almost perfect, and I base my ratings off of enjoyment, not a critical analysis. The same thing can be said for Death Stranding, I admit flaws, but in the end i love these 2 games for the experiences they gave me. The Last of Us 2 is the most polarizing game the gaming community has seen in a long while. I will always remember the experiences I had playing this wonderful game.