When I think of Dark Souls, the first thing that comes to mind is NOT a sleepy coastal town with a gorgeous amber sunset. But it works.

From the Ico style windmill tower of Earthen Peak to the evil horrible sickening bioluminescent poison tunnels of the Black Gulch, I think Too Dark Souls might have the best aesthetic of the three Dark Souls games. It at the very least has my favorite structure design (the aforementioned Earthen Peak).

Unfortunately it also has a few areas I would consider extremely tedious. As I killed the millionth generic knight in the Bowser’s Castle area, I would think “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?” Luckily, like in Elden Ring, I could just leave and come back later.

Getting gud is no longer as much of an issue (this is my fourth FromSoft game this year and in general), but getting patient was more important than ever. No matter how hard the game would try to beat me down with a boring section, it would surprise me with some incredible new area, interesting surprise encounter, or some kind of gross frog skeleton boss.

Now, I’ve heard some trash talk about this game, and I get it. I’d say it’s probably my least favorite FromSoft game in terms of pure gameplay and actual map layout. Not a huge fan of the hollowing system. Every enemy is a knight. Different director. The community messages were at an all time low in terms of helpfulness. Invasions kinda just make me roll my eyes.

But I’m all about vibes, and this game has vibes in spades. The part where they zoom in when you cross that bridge? Amazing. Getting rekt by weird little badgers in the hub area? Incredible. All I want are those delicious idiosyncrasies. I literally laughed out loud when the only way out of that one bonfire was through a pool of poison. Unforgettable experience.

I have now completed the Dark Souls trilogy. Time for Sekiro.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2022
