I tried to Nuzlocke it but fucking died to a Barry ambush why do people like old Pokemon games again this shit blows

I want more batshit insane lore give me all of the lore I just feel like another format could have enabled the most batshit insane lore of all time

The closest Pokemon game to being something truly amazing, it's just held back by the ass performance. I didn't think performance could hold a game back like that til I played Violet.

Pretty good, definitely better than Persona 4. The problem is I kept forgetting it was a boobie game and then when I was reminded it was a boobie game it ended up making my experience worse instead of better because I actually really like this cast and I wish they were not stuck in a boobie game

The worst mainline Pokemon game for sure, the only real reason to play is that the champion, Leon, is pretty attractive BUT HE'S NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST LEON IN GAMING SO WHY EVEN BOTHER

All right, time to ACTUALLY write about this one. I have a lot of thoughts about this game; of all the titles I've played, this one is the one I have the most complex opinions on. Let's start with Yakuza Zero so I have something to compare it to. With Yakuza, I don't really enjoy the gameplay loop and it just isn't the sort of experience I want to play a game to have, but I can one hundred percent understand why people like it. There's a deep story (the conflict is over a plot of land roughly the size of my bedroom, I have a pretty large bedroom but still), lots of stuff to do and if you like doing stuff and going through a good story I think you'll get a lot out of it. Not something I liked, but something I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

I have a hard time understanding why people like Persona 4.

The game is split up into visual novel social simulator portions along with dungeon crawling parts, but neither portion is particularly interesting. In theory, the visual novel sections make the game more palatable to wider audiences, the characters deeper, and the story more engaging. In practice, they bored me to tears with a sense of comedy that has excellent wit but fundamentally flawed premises for jokes, ruined the characters by placing them at the mercy of said jokes, and made me want to progress the story even less because every cutscene is so goddamn long. The dungeon crawling is very tedious with combat that lacks depth and it feels like you can't quit when you want because it's 100 percent optimal to complete each dungeon in a single day. This also has the side effect of making it feel like you can't play the part of the game you want when you want to play it. This is just two mediocre games clumsily stapled together that theoretically interact but in practice simply glance at each other as they move in completely different directions.

In most cases, dated views on things like women and the LGBT community are just "ah it's an old story, you just gotta accept it's like that", but here it actively hurts the themes the game is going for by not even denying, but refusing to consider in the first place the possibility that someone's true self could be queer. You're just confused, dumbass. I could go into detail about how the theme of truth is kind of confusing and it's not clear what they mean by it, but I just don't want to be angry like this anymore. I can't say I hate it, but thinking about Persona 4 makes me upset. Why is this on Wikipedia's list of games considered the greatest, again?

EDIT: gave it another half star this is now a 5/10 average game dark souls makes this shit look like a fucking masterpiece