I’m really glad I came back to finish this; I liked it a lot better the second time around. I think this is a really solid entry that carries forward a lot of what made id’s Dooms great while also carving out its own identity.

The level design is really impressive and the music keeps the atmosphere up. The art style never really grew on me, but it definitely fits with the game’s overall aesthetic.

I’m really stoked that this was ported to modern consoles. It’s a hell of a Doom!

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023


10 months ago

I remember this was very dark when I played it, I couldn't see very well. Is it a bit brighter in the XBOX One edition?

10 months ago

@Blowing_Wind it’s a pretty dark game. I don’t remember having trouble seeing, though, outside of some isolated areas that were dark by design.

8 months ago

Agreed with the darkness thing, there's really only a handful of areas where it's difficult to see and those are very much meant to be hazardous locations by design (you can typically find goggles nearby, too.)