That moment when it clicks

I loved the first game, and tbh I'm a massive star wars fan so I was really excited for this game, so excited I pre order it on steam. That was a mistake. I never got above 40 fps normally around 20-30 and the cuts scenes where awful.
So I refunded it and got it on PS5. It ran well got around 60 apart from some cut scene with lightsabre fighting in it were it would drop to maybe 30.
The game it self it great, it feels like an amazing sequel rewarding you for playing the first game both in story and gameplay. It takes the core of the fallen order gameplay and improves on it. The uncharted like parkour feels smoother. The Sekiro inspired combat feels like it has more weight behind every swing .
The boss battle were kinda easy but still enjoyable. Something that wasn't enjoyable was the arena wave based shooting galleries. The farther through the game you got the more there were and they were insufferable.
The exploration in the open world segments are some of the best ive played since elden ring.