i dont like musicals but i LIKED this game a lot. other than the fact i don't really like musicals the only other part i didn't like is SOMETIMES the dialogue got a little too millennial for my taste but for the most part i very much enjoyed it :)

i thoroughly enjoyed this game, there are definitely some spots where its clear the developers didn't give as much attention and there are some times the pacing is off but overall i had a good time and will be playing the next one soon :)

maybe fun for a mobile game but i played it on steam and it is just like repetitive in a boring way when in comparison to other games i could be playing

why did i play so many idle games in such a small space of time and why was this one so silly

another chill idle game ! kinda a bit lacking in content tho

silly little idle game that has a very steep drop off of progress

pretty but also wtf is the point of an idle game that doesn't play offline but has REALLY slow online gameplay?

really cute really pretty idle game!

silly but also a couple real life days of doing nothing but waiting for the game to end while you've done everything

the most disappointing hosted games game ive played to date :( the story was all over the place, they somehow made a text based choices matter game repetitive and the ending was just meh. just overall kinda meh


I only played for 18 minutes and that was enough time for me to feel uncomfortable by the weird vibes of the game. like the only two characters introduced one of them is like a succubus and the other is a bunny girl named "cute guide" like... the gameplay was fine but the vibe was off so i quit immediately and would refund if this wasn't bought in a bundle

So i don't mind that the game basically requires you to stay on the early floors to get loot right it makes sense with the concept of the game, i dont mind a grind either, i do mind that this game is SO difficult. like sometimes i swear moves are just not dodgeable or they are dodged and it doesn't work. idk, enjoyable but im gonna shelf it and maybe come back to it when im in the mood for a long long grind?

fun and silly! would have been more fun if my friend would stop crashing when playing but thats more of a them issue then a game issue