i played it one time and felt bored, I dont think ive ever felt bored after one round of a roguelike before.

i played it one time and felt bored, I dont think ive ever felt bored after one round of a roguelike before.

I had fun but bro i was getting FRUSTRATED at some points just because my brain was doing backflips trying to figure out where i was after walking through a new door

beat this entire game in 6 hours straight, i definitely enjoyed it but the story was meh and the gameplay was definitely repetitive, i just enjoy a good grind !

definitely not the easiest game and the fact that each playthrough is like 3+ hours is rough but its still a good amount of fun!!

i know theres like a lot of stuff you can do that im not gonna do but i put in an hour long playthrough and its a pretty game but just a bit too simplistic for me to see myself playing more than once. maybe if it was like a mobile game i could see putting in the time when im out and about but its just not engaging enough for me to want to play it on PC.

absolutely beautiful artwork with an absolutely awesome story that is honestly kinda deep!

its a little cringe dialogue-wise but its really a beautiful game with some cute parts to it!

im glad they end up alone, they deserve to considering neither of them will eat the crust on a pizza.