I really enjoyed the combat and visuals. The parry in particular felt really good. The soundtrack is 10/10, will definitely be adding a bunch of tracks to my playlist. However I found the story and side content to be very lackluster. There was a numerous amount of collectibles all scattered around an empty open world of sand. I was actively working to 100% the game and just felt like the pacing suffered because of the open world sections. Regardless, this is a good debut console game from Shift Up!

It is a miracle that this game exists and we are able to experience this. Square Enix took all the feedback they received from Remake and FF16 and made the best of both worlds with this game. Rebirth is not free of criticisms and is not perfect, but it is a masterpiece to me.

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I want to preface this by saying Persona 3 FES is one of my favorite games, there are valid criticisms of that game but it held a special place in my heart.

Now here we are at the remake and I am happy to say that they elevated a lot from the original. I would say they did this without losing the identity of the original.

OST: The brand new songs like Color Your Night and It's Going Down Now are absolutely stellar. The new opening is my favorite Persona opening ever. However, I will say other than Changing Seasons, I prefer the original OSTs. Not a dig against Azumi though, more because of Lotus Juice at times.

Visuals: I loved how they modernized the visuals, the VA and facial expressions full conveyed the tones of P3 and not to mention how it is an emotional rollercoaster. Unfortunately Tartarus is still a chore in this game, however it really came to life in this game. Each block was very different from the last, almost like palaces from Persona 5.

Gameplay: The gameplay is similar to P5R. I like how they added the shift system and direct commands are always nice. Theurgy attacks had nice animations and added a different element to the mechanics.

Story: I won't say much but this is Persona 3 through and through. In fact with the linked episodes I dare say it might be better. The male cast get much needed moments that make them even more beloved.

A criticism I will say is the lighting seemed to be an issue at times. Some scenes seemed really bright. The whole Nyx fight had this weird green Mountain Dew filter over it. But there is too much good for this to be a major issue.

Simply said this game is a masterpiece to me. Persona 3 Reload is my favorite persona game. It might not be perfect, but the themes and message of this game can resonate with anyone.

I look forward to Atlus possibly releasing the Answer as DLC. In my opinions the Answer requires more changes to be implemented to make it fun, so I understand them taking more time on that.

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Didn't know how they would pull it off, but they did. A sequel that improves upon almost everything from its predecessor. I didn't think the lineup of Kraven, Lizard, and Venom could live up to the sinister six, but it sure did. The boss fights were a very nice improvement. I actually found myself having to parry rather than just spam all my gadgets. The narrative as with a lot of Playstation games is 10/10. The game does an excellent job of outlining the difficulties of balancing the lives of Miles and Peter alongside being Spider-Man. Not to mention their personal struggles like Miles with revenge and Peter dealing with loss. Venom was phenomenal, Insomniac really checked every box off my personal wishlist with this one. Playable Venom, Carnage tease, Green Goblin tease, Spiderverse tease, Dr. Strange tease. Just a love letter to all Marvel fans and super hero fans in general. Can't wait for more from Insomniac especially Wolverine