no idea if this is good or not because it runs like absolute shit and when I tried to go online to get some second opinions I experienced acute larp exposure and passed out

the doctors tell me I'm lucky to still be alive

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2024


1 month ago

Its own kind of Misery, no?

1 month ago

a kind beyond my wildest imagination

1 month ago

Something something geiger counter toxic radiation

1 month ago

these days you'll want to install a modpack for anomaly like gamma instead of this

1 month ago

ye that seemed to be the consensus from what little I was able to follow. is that an alright choice if I'm not a gun pervert or military fetishist? a lot of the community seems to have veered in that direction over the years so I've been increasingly unsure about newer stuff

1 month ago

gamma I think is one of the lighter ones, and definitely one of the most popular. I haven't spent that much time with it, but the heavier pack in comparison is the one that styles itself after tarkov

1 month ago

gotcha, thanks. I'll give it a spin and see how it goes