6 reviews liked by cyberracc

great expansion for console. That being said, this is the ONLY expansion for console. That being said, if I'm remembering correctly, this isn't even an expansion... just a completely separate game?

I enjoyed the first 20 hours, and just didnt go back. Never felt an excitement to play the game since

I didn't abandon this game because I didn't like it. I abandoned it because it nearly gave me a heart attack. I watch a fuck ton of horror movies but I don't play too many horror games, so I probably should've prepared myself before this. Glad I played it cause I've never been scared like that before, but I'll never touch it again.

wayyyyyyy too fuckin scary in vr, I think I'll keep my pants clean cheers

Closing this game after playing it for a while feels like waking up on the bathroom floor with a hangover.

Yeah, after playing for 500+ hours, getting every business and most of the major stuff there's not much left to do but fool around.

But Rockstars recent decision to remove what.. 189 vehicles or so, made me not want to come back ever.