20 reviews liked by dahlia

It’s hard to believe this exists. Its illustrations are straight out of a warm children's book; it's carefully woven to evoke this all-encompassing sensation that you're deep in the throes of a fairy tale, with its most sinister moments only solidifying that feeling. Its effortlessly delightful soundtrack and phenomenally soft, cozy drawings brought such a sincere smile to my face.

Somehow, Square Enix published this dating sim RPG where you can ONLY romance other women. Yep, it’s 100% queer. Alongside its shockingly uncomfortable commitment to abstract horror, staggering production quality, and 90s anime aesthetic inspirations, it is a personal dream game. I cannot fathom how this is actually real.

I’m only just recovering from my first playthrough, but after catching four of the game’s endings, I don't have much else to say except I’m in love with Little Goody Two Shoes. I want to write more about it someday soon, but I am deep in adoration after having finished the game tonight and need to get the word out there.

Please, if you're a fan of 90s anime, love abstract horror, are into magical, fairy-tale aesthetics/music, or are remotely excited by the idea of sapphic love stories, do not miss out on this. Little Goody Two Shoes is wonderful.

whenever i truly love something, words always seem to fail me. i can't think of anything that would do bg3 justice, and trying to reduce it into a "this game has astarion in it!" (which is a very wonderful, very positive aspect of the game) doesn't seem fair.

i will be carrying this game in my heart and mind, always.

my tablet reset the data out of nowhere and i lost all my dragons

i had a rpgmaker horror phase and gotta say cannot recommend having one yourself

just got out of prison for killing my brother over this game #tbt

#1 anime boy hater and enemy

yeah sure the art's nice and some of the characters are hot, but maybe cool it with the antisemitism?


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