I wound up really enjoying Mafia: Definitive Edition. It’s easily among the best remakes I’ve had the pleasure of playing so far. It’s gorgeous, its gunplay is a ton of fun, and its story is superb. It’s a great game all around and I happily recommend giving it a shot.


I wound up really enjoying this game. So much so, that I practically played through it in one sitting. It’s a really addicting game, and I had a ton of fun playing through it. If you’re in the market for something retro but with some modernity to its combat system, then you should 100% check out Wyvia, it’s great.

The Black Mirror features a great overall story but there are a lot of things gameplay wise that I really didn’t enjoy very much. From the pixel hunting and frustrating puzzle design to the forced pausing of the story and hit or miss voice acting, The Black Mirror has been a rather mediocre adventure experience and while I do praise its story, I feel the overall experience has been a letdown.

while I did enjoy the game, I do feel like it does have a lot of things that could be improved upon. The voice acting was better than in the Combat Wings series but not by much, the motion blurring was definitely a hindrance, and there’s no way to turn it off, and the AI wasn’t too smart, even on higher difficulty levels, it just increased their damage output.

I’ve developed a bit of a love/hate relationship with this game. I absolutely love the story and the overall mystery, that’s incredibly well made. On the other hand, I absolutely hate the exploration part of it because it feels like “Blood Stone Collecting: The Video Game” and it gets really boring by the end of the game. If it weren’t for the exploration portion of the game, the story would be an easy 10/10 but since exploration encompasses 90% of the game, I had to take a few points off.

I honestly love the game, but it’s not without its own set of issues. I'm a long time fan of the FlatOut series so I enjoy all of them (Except 3 and 4, it's not FlatOut without Bugbear) but they're not something everyone is going to enjoy,

Quake II is an amazing game that pretty much 1-ups everything that was present in Quake 1. From its level design, its story elements, and its gameplay, Quake II is an excellent game, that holds up incredibly well even after all these years. It’s an absolute blast to play, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

I’m quite impressed with this remake of QUBE. It’s a beautifully designed remake and I loved all the puzzles the game had to offer. I also liked the overall atmosphere of the game. The Lighting Effects were great, and the sound was excellent. I do kinda wish there were a bit more story elements but that’s not really a con as it’s a puzzle game.

I really like the overall story, but the game has some pretty wonky controls that you frequently have to fight. The games puzzles were unsurprisingly pretty tough to figure out. The graphics are quite good for 2012. The controls definitely weigh the game down a bit, though.

Guardians of Holme, is a decent enough game, but admittedly, it’s not something I enjoy very much. The permadeath progression system, coupled with the rough artwork and the repetitive music, made it a rather annoying journey, rather than a fun one.

Honestly, I think that Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders holds up pretty well, especially if you love retro first person shooters as much as I do. The recent uptick in popularity for the genre also makes this one an easy to recommend game, especially if you want something more akin to DOOM.

Overall, I honestly liked FUR Squadron, it’s a fun game overall, and while it may not have very many levels, or much content, it makes up for it by having some pretty solid gameplay within the 6 levels available. A bit on the short end, and the enemies aren't as hostile as it seems they should be.

The Unliving is a pretty decent game, but I wouldn’t call it amazing or anything. It’s a pretty average game, I’d say. While it may not be the most impressive game that I’ve played this year, I will say that it’s still a lot of fun to play in quick bursts. I will also say that the game can be quite time consuming because if you fail a run, you have to start at the beginning of the game again, which definitely makes the game feel pretty repetitive after a while.

Overall, I thought Among the Sleep was an enjoyable journey through the mind of a 2-year-old. Its visual storytelling is great and its overall story is quite good as well.

Black Mirror 3 has easily been the best game in the original series. It’s got only a couple minor caveats and is generally a big improvement over Black Mirror 1 and 2. It’s an entertaining game and despite the fact that I didn’t really enjoy the previous games, I do feel this one is definitely worth playing.