Despite Quake’s age, it honestly holds up really well, especially now that it has an enhanced edition. The level design is excellent, and its gameplay is a blast, both literally and figuratively. I never got to play Quake back when it originally released, so I don’t have the nostalgia tied to a lot of players of the game but as a new player I can definitely say that I had a ton of fun with the game.

I wound up really enjoying Beacon Pines and experiencing the full mystery was an excellent experience. If you’re in the market for an adventure game with some great characters, a deep, and often emotional, mystery, with a really pretty storybook-like art style, then I can’t recommend Beacon Pines enough.

I honestly loved The Invincible, it was a fascinating journey through a retro sci-fi lens, and I’m a pretty huge fan of retro sci-fi. The game features an intriguing story, beautiful alien landscapes, a great soundtrack, interesting characters and much more. If you’re a fan of walking sims, like myself, then you’ll no doubt enjoy this game.

Citizen Sleeper is easily one of the best games that I’ve had the pleasure of playing this year. It’s an incredibly good game with some amazing writing and a cast of really interesting characters. I love the game quite a bit. I have absolutely zero complaints about the game, and it’s pretty much perfect in my eyes. I can’t recommend the game highly enough.

I honestly wound up enjoying Three Minutes to Eight, it’s not perfect, but the story was quite interesting, and the multiple endings were fun to uncover. It is a time loop style game, so it may wind up getting a bit boring for a lot of people, but if you’re like me and find time loops rather interesting, then definitely give Three Minutes to Eight a try.

I honestly like this first Space Quest game, but I imagine it’ll be a much harder sell for players new to the series, due to its age, and generally frustrating puzzles and lack of any real sound effects and music. Still, I like the game for what it is, and would recommend it if you’re as into old school point and click adventures as I am.

I honestly loved Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, it’s a short, yet very sweet, action adventure game and the humor is excellent. It’s also filled with a pretty great cast of characters, and the soundtrack was equally superb as well.

Overall, Deliver Us Mars is a really well made game, and I wound up loving every second of it, well, except for the climbing sections, those were kind of frustrating but the rest of the game is excellent. If you’re in the market for a new sci-fi game, then I definitely recommend Deliver Us Mars, it’s a great sequel, and a thrilling ride from start to finish.

I think Skydrift Infinity is a pretty decent remaster of one of my favorite arcade style racing games. The gameplay is still fun and the updated graphics look great, but it reaaaally doesn't like ultra-wide monitors, and has major scaling issues. There's also no graphics options to fix this either, which is honestly kind of disappointing.

I actually enjoyed Black Mirror 2 a little more than the first game but not by much. The game has its own set of issues that I wound up being frustrated with by the end of the game. It also takes forever to get going, which made me pretty bored of it by the 4th chapter. Once it picked up pace, I found that I enjoyed it more but that first half of the game was a complete drudge.

I think the game was pretty entertaining, and I had a lot of fun with it. It was also pretty nice being able to get a good ending for a change. Normally when I play choice based games like these everybody winds up dead, I’m not great at life or death decision making it would seem, ha.

I didn’t really enjoy this one, and I rank it as my least favorite in the series. It wasn’t as funny, the puzzles were tedious and kind of irritating, and it’s just as unpleasant an experience as Space Quest 1, which is my 2nd least favorite.

Space Quest II: Vohaul’s Revenge is a pretty solid sequel to the first game. It was a lot of fun revisiting the game, and while it definitely had its frustrating moments puzzle wise, it was still a lot more fun to solve them than that slot machine section in the first game (I hate that section).

I find Gear.Club Unlimited 2 Ultimate Edition to be a relatively fun game, but admittedly, the game feels a little too easy for me. It definitely feels like a racing game that’s been geared more towards beginners than intermediate or even higher skilled racing game fans, and that’s not a bad thing, but it definitely loses its fun factor if you’re always winning without any real challenge from the AI. Even mistakes can be rectified by simply rewinding time, so the chances of losing is slim. I played the PC version as well.


I wound up really enjoying this game. So much so, that I practically played through it in one sitting. It’s a really addicting game, and I had a ton of fun playing through it. If you’re in the market for something retro but with some modernity to its combat system, then you should 100% check out Wyvia, it’s great.