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1 day

Last played

March 17, 2023

Platforms Played


I think I like a lot of what this game does with regards to weapon counterplay. The best part of Doom-likes is the super arsenal that you get to carry, so tuning towards that is great. But I don't think it all works, particularly when it comes to the Marauder: a "defensive powerhouse" that requires midrange positioning, quick reflexes, and all of my attention any time it comes running across the screen.

I genuinely hate this guy. I almost gave this game a 3.5 any time I encountered one of these things. I don't necessarily mind the reactive shot to the tell, but compared to other counterplay (pick a weapon + specialty, feel clever) it's just like... alright man, we'll do your dance. Show your Punch Out cuckoo birds. And he's seemingly invulnerable to any of the specials, like freezing? I don't get it.

I came back to this three months after starting it, so my most recent experience was mostly about the last quarter of the game. The game is fun but honestly I think the last couple of stages are not great, in a lot of little ways. Samuel Hayden goes from an interesting position at the end of Doom 2016 to being "tutorial guy who interrupts your dashes with cinematic narratives about where you need to go."

The combat and systems feel amazing when it all clicks, but I think the Crucible blade sort of contributes to a feeling of mush by the end. Instant kill pickups abound in the last couple of levels, so any Tyrant just becomes sliced bread. I guess that's still counterplay? IDK, between the Crucible blade and BFG ammo, the Blood Punch pickups... it starts to feel like a bad WAD by the end to me. Especially with how the bosses are bullet sponges, it was a rough finish. But Doom is still Doom, and tearing demons apart does feel cool as fuck. I liked the challenges I sought out while playing, so maybe I will fill those out at some point - I think I'm happy just checking the main story off tonight with the money I already spent.