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1 day

Last played

February 12, 2021

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To me, Dark Souls II is like if someone saw Dark Souls and said, "Hey! Let's make that into a video game!"

That doesn't mean that I think DS2 is bad, or that I think it's design is poor, I just think that its design philosophy is a lot more "gamey" feeling. This is my second time playing it through, (the first was in 2016) and I think I've really warmed up to it in the time since. I think DS2 tends to get a bit of a hard rap for not being as polished or as fresh-feeling as Demon's Souls or DS1, and I think it's actually a pretty solid sequel, all things considered. One thing I genuinely came to appreciate in this playthrough, is the sense of "hope" that runs at the plot's core. I really enjoy that several travelers you meet along the way, come back to live with you in Majula. It gives you a sense that you're not actually alone in your struggle, a beacon of light in a game series famous for its dreary isolation. While it's not my favorite Souls game by far, I'd rather play Dark Souls II than most games! That's how well I'd say this one's stuck with me.