6 reviews liked by danno

one time someone flirted with me and it scared me
anyway its fun and i enjoy grinding jellybeans until my fingers fall off so i can buy a silly hat for my duck character

i hate this game with every single cell in my body
it is so boring, so slow, so painfully slow
maybe it was because i played with the wrong people
i feel bad for saying this because it was gifted so I'd play with him and some others but this game SUCKS
i have never finished this game as sessions run anywhere from 8 hours to more, and i cannot sit and play something for that long i will explode

ive gotten genuine headaches from this game its like the sugar free gummy bear of video games there is no fun only pain and agony

and you know you want to
shake it up and pour it on you
you know you want to
wear the purp
don't ya

ok honestly i know this game is not good and also honestly i was never able to play it because i could never get it to work for me however i thought it was silly how two white mfs just starting singing
even their "rap" names are awful everything about it is just not great and kind of cringe especially now after many years have passed.

this game is so fun i love it i love the arcade and to play it with my best friend :)

I've been here since 2012, and I just played dinosaur morph button role play and sim games. Along with skateboarding in circles for hours on end.

Now it's kind of it's own weird entity? I still have fun on it, though- Just find the right games!

watching this game that ive watched since childhood slowly degrade and essentially assure its downfall is somewhat sad, especially with them going full force on their metaverse branding (they are delusional)