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1 day

Last played

April 7, 2024

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This was one of the first games I ever owned as a kid and I never really got that far into it. I would always get stressed out about dying and I found it just way too difficult (i did play the hound out of the minigames though). Now im older and revisiting a bunch of older mario titles and it was time for me to give this game another shot.

This was the game that brought Mario back into the limelight. His first big 2d adventure in a long time and it was aptly coined "New" Super Mario Bros. For the time it was a whole new look for mario and did crazy numbers on the DS, becoming one of the best selling titles on the system. Today a lot of people, myself included, have soured on the "New" smb style after Nintendo milked it to death during the 2010's. As a result I think a lot of people forgot that when it was fresh, it was actually really solid.

Going in without any preconceived notions about the game or style, this game absolutley rocks. It has so many creative ideas start to finish. interesting worlds, fun powerups (though i wish they were more prominent :/) and great music make this the perfect title to get Mario back up and running. The short levels are suited so well to the DS yet it somehow manages to keep everything that made the home console Mario games so appealing. My only real issue with the GB Mario titles was they were supremely easy and could be finished pretty quick. NSMB fixes this and offers a similer level of challenge as youd find in SMB3 or SMW. This is a full 2D Mario adventure on the go and even today I found that incredibly appealing.

This game does everything right so I can kinda see why Nintnedo was trying to replicate it for a decade straight. Its a shame that the game that (re)started it all for Mario is stuck on the DS but I seriously cannot reccomend it enough. Fantastic Mario title and a fantastic game.