I bought a PS5 for this game, I'd sure fucking hope it was good

if Killzone was a kid who had one of those small Lego sets that lets you make a tree and a four wheeler for a man and a monkey, Killzone 2 is that same kid getting a space shuttle set and using it to make a solar system of awesomeness. Nothing compares to that kid, not even your SpongeBob set.

souls games can bite my cock for all I care, but this is the best of the bunch

easily the most fun of the asymmetrical multiplayer horror game genre that won't go the fuck away in recent years, for the lone fact that the servers are fucking reasonable.

also it's pretty fun

the most whatever game to grace the new consoles by far, good ideas, good execution, but the reason why we loved Lego Star Wars is absent here: heart.

Easily the biggest disappointment of the year. Tango has made good shit, but Ghostwire is easily the worst they've done. Good ideas, with decent execution, marred by a terrible open world and next to no drive to see this maybe seven hour game through. You know your game sucks when it has TEN performance modes, and none run the game smoothly.

some of the most fun I've had all year is this game's multiplayer. I don't think COD has ever felt this good, looked this smooth, and also given this much good substance in such little time. The campaign is quite a good ride too, definitely better than MW2019(though Cold War CLEARS it), but if you're a sucker for FPS games like me, MWII 2022 is one to try out. Sucks that Warzone 2 is ass tho

this is the best anniversary game Sonic has seen. a true celebration of the character and series, as well as a shockingly well done first go at a bold new direction for the series. It may not be perfect, but it's absolutely a must play for any Sonic fan.

The Callisto Protocol is amazing, GOTY worthy even, until the last two chapters completely destroy it. Story is decent, game looks incredible, and it even plays extremely well, but the difficulty, at least before the major animation quickening patch, is god awfully unfair, and the boss fights are plain ol bad. Decent first going that desperately needs a sequel.

After years of middling entries and the rest of the racing genre being dominated by sims, Need for Speed Unbound shows that the series, especially under Criterion, isn't out of steam. It's basically a better NFS Heat at its core, with some clear Midnight Club 3 shit thrown in, but thanks to amazing customization, an incredibly well done betting system, and really tough races (as well as cop encounters once your heat gets too high), Unbound towers over all and is my personal Game of the Year.