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October 5, 2023

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David’s 30 Platinum Trophies Before Turning 30


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: As close to perfection as one can get.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5: Excellence incarnate.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: Amazing experience.
⭐️⭐️⭐️.5: Good game.
⭐️⭐️⭐️: Fun enough to be worth your time.
⭐️⭐️.5: Missed the mark in a considerable amount of elements.
⭐️⭐️: A trudge towards progress/completion.
⭐️.5: A great deal of regrets playing this.
⭐️: Truly disappointing.
.5: Kudos to anyone with a shred of bother.

The above rating descriptions pertain strictly to the overall rating after taking into consideration the elements below, for which I’ll still employ a five-point rating to get an average afterwards.

Graphics: 4.5 - The tragic beauty of a cyberpunk dystopia is glaringly unmistakable, but I absolutely loved the subtle shifts in environments as you moved through the world (subtle because it can be easy to miss it, since, you know, you’re running around pretty fast, or focusing on not dying).

Gameplay: 4.5 - Entertainingly challenging, which I’m lucky to say since I thrive on these types of pacing, but I know how it can be extremely difficult. Nonetheless, I had immense amounts of fun with how you progress through the levels, and the game provides a decent amount of ability-tinkering and pathfinding to get to where you need to be the way you wish to. Major points for the train level.

Audio: 5 - FREAKING ACE. EDM is the glove in this game’s hand. Though I was a bit miffed about the architect’s voiceover (even Mara sounded better; heck, even the protagonist did), the music more than compensated for that. Watch out for the little humorous side comments the enemies leave just before you slice them to bits.

Replay Value: 5 - This is a speedrunner’s wet dream (half of the word is in the game title!). Endless ways to try to get from point A to Z and everything else in between, plus added ways to challenge yourself (wish there were more Kill Runs!) and gain some bragging rights (mostly to yourself, in my case). This is not to mention the other kind of replay value, which is getting to the end after copious amounts of dying.

Story: 3 - It’s your typical kill the big baddie (plus some smaller ones; get ready for “Tom”) at the end story, with a thin revolutionary subplot that’s kinda expected of a cyberpunk dystopia and a somewhat inevitable (but eventually) obvious plot twist that could’ve been executed better.

Overall: 4.4 - Personally, this game quenches my longing for something resemblant of Mirror’s Edge. Coincidentally, I’ve also been consuming a good deal of science fiction media, so this game couldn’t have been played by me at a more opportune time. But more than anything, don’t ghost on this rewardingly intense experience of furious hack-and-slash and platforming.