Really cool fun with friends game. Excited to see more proximity chat games with excellent sound design like this in the future.

Fantastic experience overall, but after a few dungeons the combat felt too repetitive/solved. Thankfully the game has an included EXP amount slider that allows you to level quicker. The day to day time management and characters/story really make up for the downfalls, and this was still a great experience overall. Truly incredible visual design and music in this game. I recommend this for any JRPG fan.

Fantastic game. Cool characters that feel unique. Good stuff all around.

Really excellent time hole. Good fun with friends. Easy to start hard to master gameplay feels rewarding to put time into. Will be playing this on and off for a long time.

Cool game where the mods increasing the character roster really make it shine. Fun times.

I am tired of playing this game with my friends yet somehow every couple months I end up being roped into it again and again. One of those awful controlling games where the real challenge is fighting the loose wobbly phallic weird men. You suck fall guys.

This game kinda sucks compared to everything else in this genre. Straight up. The design is slightly charming, but the gamefeel just is awful. Bosses are uninspired, powerups are lame, and after a few runs it just feels like a chore. I'm not really looking for anything gamebreaking, but there are just so many better options at this pricepoint and genre.

Fantastic mini golf game to play with friends. Lots of silly modifiers turn this into more than just a golf game.

Nothing new, but everything good. A mosaic of greatness from each of it's genres. One of my favourite games this year.

Really just all I could ask from a fighting game.

Endlessly playable masterpiece. Overpriced as hell DLCs.

I enjoy this one with friends a lot more than most people I think. The difficulty is quite high and the game is rather unserious, but this feels like a really good B movie. It's bad, but charming. Lot of weird choices, but it was a fun time.