my friend good chicken asked me to play just this one game at some point in 2024 as part of a yearly tradition where we force each other to play one game per year, decided before jan 1st. well i jumped the gun slightly and started this one early, then finished it 5 days into the year because i couldnt put it down
this game rly pushes the boundaries of what i thought the ps1 was capable of, and those things are still impressive today. yes the game has a few problems but i think its easy to judge as somebody who could have only played this decades after its release. the only thing i really want to fault it for is the meryl plot which isnt dreadful by any means, i just think the romance between her and snake doesn't feel earned. as for the rest of the plot it stands very well on its own but does a lot to set up its themes and ask questions that we might get answers to in later games. or, not answers... just more specific and increasingly outrageous questions i guess. its all part of the fun.
im someone who loves janky gameplay and having to learn a game's language so this was a thrill for me (this is a cheeky little joke that we will understand a couple games down the line)
this marked the start of my metal gear era, my otasune obsession, my actual real snake sickness. i will never forget it.
liquid snake, i did like your sunglasses. god bless x

Reviewed on May 26, 2024

1 Comment

30 days ago

me reading this review knowing that the best is yet to come (LOL!!): it's not over yet!! (because there are more reviews)