FYI/Disclaimer: Played on the steamdeck, with no issues whatsoever, I think you have to manually invoke the on-screen keyboard while naming Cecil, but it ran fine, with no crashes, no slowdown, and having the ability to play FF4 in my bed was great. Hoping that all Pixel Remasters will get ported to NS, PS4/ and X1/XSS/XSX.

FF4 huh.

It was fine. A bit better than 3, also different than 3 in many aspects.

An attempt at making a more character-prominent game compared to FF3, with the cast being somewhat more involved in the occurring happenings than before. Story-wise it closely follows FF3's beats. It has more story points than 3, and characters in FF4 have some backstory and motivations, they aren't blank cards like the ones in FF3, but still wouldn't call them terribly complex.

I found the game to have weird difficulty fluctuations while being pretty easy overall. I mean that in the beginning, you have to be more deliberate and thoughtful with your decisions, when the game throws at you some comps that have regular mobs that are melee- or magic- resistant mixed with other mobs, but then in the middle of the game this has stopped occurring, and I was able to start auto-attacking almost everything that wasn't a boss or oddly composed monster-in-a-box.

Bosses usually required paying at least some attention, which was cool.

The free-form 'pick-a-job' system got ditched in favor of characters with predetermined jobs/classes, and it's been done because it's easier to balance the game and make the story go in parallel with the characters. No hard feelings here. The 'pick-a-job' system is cooler from the gameplay pov and offers more involvement, but I see why the change has been been made. Not a fan of frequent changes made to the party composition tho, but every time I got my bearings and was done figuring out how that certain character could/would fit into the party, the game would take a 90-degree turn and change them for the story reasons.

The coolest thing about having easy access to the first 6 games in the Final Fantasy series via the pixel remasters is that you can go back, and see how the series would change over the years, and simply because of that, I find them to be worth playing.

I'm looking forward to FFV, as that one's going to be a replay, it's been some years since then, tho

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2022
