I like the aspect of killing assassins, I love a "kill these bastards" plotline,

The NMH assassins you're supposed to kill are distinct in personality and they are pretty damn despicable sometimes, I like the fact that they are over the top and some of the fights have particular gimmicks attached to them that at least break up the monotony for what could be a straightforward kill

Everyone brings this up so I'll just reiterate, everything outside of killing assassins on your hitlist is bad, this game has actual CHORES, IT HAS CHORES you have to do, suda you are such a fucking idiot, why in the actual fuck did you put chores in this game

It's indefensible for a completely straightforward title, at least NMH2 takes the liberty of oversimplifying the chores and removed the shoddy ass bike in its entirety

What a joke. Stop making your games fucking miserable, don't let sudadrones convince you this is some bayeaux tapestry masterpiece

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2022


1 year ago

If anything suda been making his games less and less miserable lmao

1 year ago

ma'am the profane juxtaposed with the mundane is what makes this game work

1 year ago

It does not make the game work, suda's deliberate approach to this is only good on paper, but completely falls flat on execution

I KNOW it's intentional, just like how he receives a phone call before each assassin kill and he walks as slow as the engine of the game can allow


1 year ago


1 year ago

its not a very long game idk how youd get annoyed by 7 short minigames
especially when you unlock actually fun stuff (k entertainment assassin missions) after you complete each one and you can literally just do those until the end game once you unlock all of them and grind out money for the final weapon and battle

2 months ago

Suda fans are so insufferable what else is there dude? You do minigames (sometimes multiple of the same ones depending on how you go about it) and you fought increasingly mediocre bosses. This game does NOT deserve any high end praise.