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1 day

Last played

January 9, 2021

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jedi fallen order is a pretty good game. i might even go so far as to say that it is a really good game. but there’s a lot of small janky things in it that keep me from calling it a truly GREAT game, mainly in the combat design and pacing.

as far as combat, parry timings seem almost arbitrary at times and heal cancels occurred frustratingly often. the core mechanics are fine, i just think they should have been a little more refined. it’s still a lot of fun once you get the hang of it though. the last few bosses (more on that later) are especially badass to duel. i feel like the game heavily rewards aggressive play and the more balls-out you go, the better you’ll do. i initially played somewhat defensive but i loosened up as the game progressed and found myself getting better.

about the bosses and the pacing... another one of my problems was that it feels like nothing happens throughout the first 60% of the game. i mean, there’s a lot of exploring to do and that’s all fine and well, but the story moves along so slow at first until everything happens at the end. and throughout that, there’s like no good bosses in the first half of the game. there’s actually hardly any bosses at all until you reach the climax. and like, the climax is great, but i wish there was more leading up to it.

at its best though the game is really cool. it totally nails the star wars feel and i wouldn’t mind playing more star wars installments by respawn. i am sure that the problems i have with it could be easily refined in a sequel, and should one happen i am definitely looking forward to playing it