2 reviews liked by dirtycutfreak

Kratos is really angry in this one...

While he has a little more nuance in GoW 1 & 2, he is completely one-note in the 3rd iteration. The man is just so upset it feels like this game is borderline self-parody. Like what the hell is the matter with him?! Kratos acts like a bonafide "Karen" throughout GoW 3, long before that term even was a thing.

Somebody needs to give this man a Snickers bar or something... he's being an annoying, insufferable asshole, bringing mass suffering and death to God, Titan, and mortal alike... all while playing, I was thinking to myself: someone has to stop this man! Truly, the real villain of the game... but hey, at least to soften the blow of playing as this evil piece of shit, they make everyone else real bastards too. To quote the great Tyrion Lannister: "Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine?"

I'm just thankful that the soft reboot in God of War 2018 gave Kratos something he sorely needed - actual character, growth, and development!

Easily my least favorite God of War game in the original trilogy, but still a good game showcasing the power of the PS3. The game's scope and scale are impressive still to this day.

i want to finish it so bad but the game freezes somewhere in chapter 2 and i couldnt find a solution anywhere in the whole fkn internet.
after the help of user:dirtycutfreak , i was able to finish this PEAK even though it crashed like 60 times while i was playing. with a good port, i think it could even be 10/10 but with that shitty ass port it is almost unplayable on pc if you dont give up playing after constant crashes. if you think you can handle it, go ahead and play it because its KINO AS FUCK.