Mad respect for Corvo Studio.
Lots of attention to detail and cool mechanics for such a small studio.
It's a great passion project that everyone who enjoys WW2 shooters should check out.

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I was enjoying the game... Until it went full Dragon Ball Z meets Deus Ex Machina.

Places where it could've been interesting it became totally predictable. A lot o' clichés are there:

☑ Incarcerated psychopath that sounds just like Hannibal
☑ Police officer falling in love with an apparently sensible murderer
☑ Some special girl related to some whatever prophecy
☑ Some special boy irradiated with some whatever substance unlocks whatever powers
☑ Protagonist being a pawn to an damn obvious evil plot he's totally unaware of
☑ "AI's gonna conquer the world" subplot
☑☑☑ Lots of murderous furniture

It's alright, I guess... I can't decide if it's better or worse than GTA III.
From one side the mission structure is certainly better overall and the side content is fun... But it's really hard to get past that sloooow beginning. And the story it not that interesting.
The missions do get better once you're past the second island and we do have some really good ones... Too bad you need to go through 20 boring-ass missions before a cool one appears.
If you're really into GTA, give it a chance. Skip it otherwise...

Aside from some quirks and padding issues (a product from its time... it was released almost 20 years ago after all), it's still a solid entry in the franchise and certainly a milestone in the history of gaming.
Totally worth playing - once again - from beginning to end.

What impresses me the most is how San Andreas world design still is unparalleled to this day. So much fun!

A very well done throwback to the classic Survival Horror formula. Limited saves, supply management, complex puzzles, fixed camera angles and a good amount of backtracking.

The story is very cliché and treads the line between Silent Hill and Resident Evil while lacking the humor and authenticity of the latter or the deep psychological horror of the former. It's VERY derivative and lacks personality.

Totally worth it for the gameplay, just don't expect to be blown away.

I hate that a game with such an amazing story, banger soundtrack, nice gameplay gets shoved into such a generic open-world formula... If they didn't try to make a 8-hour game clock ~30h, it could've been one of my favorite games ever.

What an awful game. It shouldn't exist.
Que joguinho horroroso. Não devia existir.