After revisiting this game again, I still don't entirely know where I stand. The moment to moment exploration is better than it has ever been in a Metroid game. This time through I didn't have nearly as many problems with the bosses and EMMI sections, but I still think they are a bit harder than the need to be. That final boss fight can still go suck an egg.

First game I finished in 2022 (even thought I played most of it in 2021). Still a classic. I tried doing a badge only run, without realizing there was a cap. Still had a lot of fun messing around with different badge combos. I'll say it more when I eventually replay TYD that I miss when Nintendo would let Mario be weird.

Decided to revisit this game on an whim. I remember being very fond of it on Gamecube. I'm curious to see how well it holds up when I have adult free time.

The original Mother have been on my backlog for many years. I know that a lot of people say you don't need to play it. They say it's an old date 8-bit Dragon Quest clone and everything it does well, it's sequels do better. And yet, this is the game that spawned it so there got to be something interesting there?

After playing through I can say that people are wrong and the original Mother is absolutely worth playing through if you are a fan of the series. Now I'm playing on this ROM had so the graphics are a bit different and the encounter rates are down, but it still did stuff that suprised me for an old RPG. It honestly makes me want to replay the game in its original form.