2 reviews liked by dmlx

I'm the last person I thought would enjoy a game like this. Roguelikes or Roguelites or whatever you want to call them are games that just do not click for me. I have an incredibly poor relationship with games which more or less require you to die in order to progress. Failure states make me feel awful and bad.

So...I can't explain why I like this game hahhaha

I died SO MUCH! But gosh, I love it. Probably my Sega loving self has some influence there, I reckon. I also find it incredibly charming in its presentation, and I also love how it just throws you into it--no title screen or anything really, just tosses you right in there!

If you like Roguelike games, you need to play this! If you don't like them, you probably won't like this unless...you do?

I owned this cart when I was a kid, so when roguelikes took off in the late 2000s I was like "why are we doing this again, I was done playing this stuff when I was like 7, besides none of these are as good"