1 review liked by duke_GR

Another glow-up of an ancient Apogee game in the vein of MONSTER BASH HD, but in this case, the base game is a fair bit weaker, so there's really no way to make it some kind of masterpiece after the fact. SECRET AGENT was one of those computer platformers that actually functions more like a puzzle game in that every level has all the same elements and once you've beaten one of them, you've seen literally everything the game has to offer, and all the rest is just how they configure things in more interesting and/or difficult ways. By definition, this is going to grow a bit tedious over three episodes with sixteen levels apiece, and it definitely does. The outfit that made this remake (and the other Apogee ones) made the tactful decision to add new weapons, enemies, items, etc. to the game, but only in their all-new added fourth episode. A wise compromise from a remastering perspective. On top of that, there's achievements, QOL stuff, and, as in MONSTER BASH HD, a very impressive level editor.

Not sure what else they could have done with it. I do wish the game was more exciting, but that's on Broussard and the other two guys who made the original, not the remasterers. The new episode shows that the new guys were champing at the bit to make a more interesting game than the one they were assigned. Makes me wonder what they did with their HD version of CRYSTAL CAVES, which I haven't gotten to yet. Unlike the other two, that original game just plain sucks, so I guess we'll see.