They need to fully commit to the silly-stupid-garbage aspect of the series and make the characters more likable. Felt like a waste of time to me unfortunately.

Some cool innovations that will probably reach their full potential in the next gen BUT the story feel empty. There's a certain uncanny quality to the areas as well, not a huge fan. Still a good pokemon game though, glad the're trying new things.

My interactions with this game confuse me. I can't really understand why but I stopped playing after 50ish hours and haven't had the urge to play since. All of the weapons, locations, enemies, boss fights, lore -- basically everything -- is awesome. So I'm confused lol idk.

When burn out hits it hits incredibly hard. Only fun with friends too, but that's def not a bad thing.


i disliked the travel system and the pacing quite a bit but Omori is still a favorite of mine.