Still one of the best rpgs ever made

permadeath, the mother of beauty

This game is great! Whoever came up with the idea of of the music dynamically changing as the tide of battle shifts and also the world map theme gaining an additional instrumental track with each new party member recruited (I'm assuming it's the same person) is an absolute genius. I love the score of this game. It's a grim, natural fantasy style with a lot of organ and overarching motifs.

The battles are smooth and fast, the dungeons are alright, the story is truly ambitious with the generational paths, and the magic system is unique. It took some getting used to but after some learning I really dig it.

For anyone playing this game now, I highly recommend the updated translation patch, which comes with tons of additional changes including faster walk speed, restored parallax scrolling in battles, and some other minute visual tweaks and minor restorations to aid the fact that this game was rushed and had some content cut.

Simultaneously the best metroidvania and the best kirby game

The old testament of blending genres...(or at least one of). That ost is biblical

Probably the best mario party game

This game does so much with so little. This is the ultimate minamilist underdog fantasy game story. A world that opens the imagination with hints of a large, bustling environment and ecosystem of traditional fantasy elements done with unique, personal twists.

i think i missed the age portrayed in this game but the game somehow still makes me feel a strange kind of sadness. human isolation and the desire to reach out exists in every space

Just like one of my German slasher films

Could've started a shmup genre revolution

Crazy to think someone made this in high school. A future of games came out of this