1 review liked by dwightoi

deadarse don’t know what to rate it so imma go bang in the middle, lowkey it’s like a 2/10 but that credit sequence might make it a 1, but then again the mads scenes make it a 6 but then the ost nd sound design makes it a 9 but then the rest of the cutscenes makes it a 5 again so imma leave it at that.

end of the day i feel the same way i did about phantom pain except the gameplay here is mostly shit, actually 80% of the game is shit but it has its moments idk, i think i liked it overall but if i spent any longer on this i woulda called it the worst game of all time.. skipping half the cutscenes lowkey the only reason i finished it.

genuinely a terrible game, ill most definitely be playing ds2 tho