Priority Virtual Boy list

List of games for the Virtual Boy I want to play the mos- oh wait, there's so few of these that I might as well just rank the entire library. So things are a little different this time, but still mostly the same idea. This will only be including officially released games, though that Chalvo sequel would be high if I counted it.

If any game needs to leave the Virtual Boy, it's this one. A bit surprised that hasn't happened yet.
A very interesting and obscure game. Did you know the Virtual Boy had a horror game? I don't know if this is any good, but it seems very interesting.
Always heard this called one of the worst Mario games back in the day, and while I haven't played it, I don't think it looks bad. Just a spicy Mario Bros - seems fun.
Not gonna lie, this is the only SMT game I'm interested in.
Star Fox's long lost cousin. I think you could do worse than this.
Always heard good things.
Now, I've never played on a Virtual Boy before, but every video I've seen of this makes it really hard to tell what layer you are on and the enemies, I wonder if that's an actual issue with the game?
This is the last one I have any real interest in, and that's mainly just because it's Mario.
Never heard of this one before today, looks ok.
I'd play it if it were put in front of me, but I'm not pining to try it.
I think(?) this has seen releases elsewhere, otherwise this game would be higher. Looks fine, but obsolete.
Definitely other Space Invaders games I would play over this.
Would play until I saw Samus's ship, then promptly put it away.
Weirdly fascinated by this one, but I'd never go out of my way for it.
I mean... it's Tetris so it's by far not the worst Virtual Boy option.
Probably the most relaxing way to burn your retinas.


It's made by Nintendo who has a decent record for golf games. Too bad I don't care about golf.
Looks surprisingly more fluid than I would expect, but no amount of fluidity would make me interested.
What the hell is even happening?
Probably the actual worst game on the console, but I would at least be able to understand it.
I'm sure it's not the worst game on the console, but I wouldn't be able to understand it, or it would take too much time to understand it to be worth it. Plus, I know nothing about Gundam.


6 months ago

Virtual Bowling so forgettable it didn't even make it onto the list 😔

6 months ago

@JCLKaytwo I thought that was the same as Nester's Funky Bowling lol

6 months ago

@electrode They're apparently two different games actually

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