very hard game...need hints every time

yes i know this is a bad game that makes no sense but the ambiance and relaxing in this are sooo good. also HARDY BOYS!!! in their ugliest form

i could not beat this game without using a hint guide for navigating for real
forever crying at heathers outfit


i need to replay to give a more accurate rating tbh but i like the concept of a game in the og 1930s setting

i want to live in a puzzle mansion fr
ethel always jumpscares me

best historical love story for real
hate those veggies tho smh

OTHER FIRST NANCY GAME I PLAYED!!!! first one i finished :)
i love the vibe. opening the secret passages for the first time....ill remember forever.
katie and jenna exes real

soooo short and joy is annoyingggg
god some fun puzzles tho

my very first nancy game....took me YEARS to finish bc i was so scared dogs were gonna be in the woods at night
love the vibes so much and omg the SPEAKEASY!!!!

fun but takes a looong time to get thru all the history sections. ham radio is fun. nancy is making some wild ass decisions in this. prolly scariest end game over

the most intense nancy game for SUREEEEE

love these characters. so funny that the game tries to tell is that jaques is hot
the puzzles are very fun and i love the castle

i love the historical love story in this one aughh
not sure how this one is considered a scary game...i guess if i played this as a kid i would find it a bit scary at moments
rose and abby 4eva

mid tbh...these characters and mystery do not inspire me