The games themselves aren’t inherently bad, those I’ll rate separately. This is for the travesty Rockstar and GSG thought was okay to release called the “definitive edition”. If this is what we deem definitive these days, then god help us all.
They did fix a bunch of stuff after the fact so I’ll give it one star instead of half.

My taste for music and love for it started with playing this game to death as a kid. Music is now my number one passion and I play numerous instruments thanks to this legendary game.

Very solid campaign, didn't play MP much so ranking is mostly for SP here.

A revolutionary game for the time of its release. Paved the way for so many games to come and the most successful game series of all time. Playing this today is another story, however. Most missions are pretty much the same and forgettable, while others are borderline torture. There are no checkpoints, so if you're at the tail end of a horrible mission and you fail, you're shit out of luck. Also who thought it was a good idea for the mafia to insta kill you just for driving down the streets for the rest of the game? The story is just alright really, but most of the game has aged like milk, sadly. Despite all this, it's to be said that this game still deserves praise for what it brought to the table in 2001.